Zdravo moje modne dame!
Ne mogu da vjerujem da je proslo vise od tri mjeseca a da nisam
postavila post.Sorry zbog toga.Od silnih obaveza moji dani prolaze skroz
brzo.Ali stiglo je jedno od najljepseg godisnje doba a to je proljece.I nadam
se da cu se poboljsati u postavljanu novih prica I postova…Moj pocetak nove godine
nije mogao bolje da pocne.Moje dugo ocekivana zelja se ostvarila I to sa mojih
17 godina.A to je put u Ameriku.Iako od toga ima tri mjeseca.Zelim sa vam da podjelim
jedan zimsko-proljetnu kombinaciju.Prvih dana vrijeme me je posluzilo
maksimalno dobro.Jer sam mogla da uzivam oblaceci koznu
jaknu,farmerke,sesir,suncane naocale I moj outfit je gotov.Volim ovakvo
vrijeme.Sunce mi da pozitivnu energiju I mnogo me inspirise.
U stvari probudi me
od onih hladni dana,kada nema te zelju ni za cim....Ali vratimo se mi na
post.Kako sam bila turist prelijepom gradu koji se zove Boston.I moja zelja je
bila ta da sto vise obidjem ovaj grad.Priznajem
da me je ovaj grad jako odusevio,kao I cijela Amerika.Od ljudi,hrane,prelijepih
ulica….Prvih dana imala sam problem sa vremenskom razlikom,ali vrlo brzo sam se
uklopila.Osjecala sam se kao kod kuce,a ne da sam gost u tom gradu.I tako sam
morala da kombinaciju uskladit sa tim.To jest dugo hodanje od jutra do mraka.U
jako ugodnoj kombinaciji. Kako ponekad zelim da moja danasnja kombinacija bude
malo I jednostavna,tu uvjek dodam sesir.To je kao slag na tortu.A vas look
izgleda malo glamuroznije.Ako planirate u skorije vrijeme neko putovanje,ne
zaboravite da ponesete jako udomnu odjecu ali I obucu.Nadam se da vam se svidja
ovaj post.Uzivaj te u ostatku dana…..
Hey fashionable ladies!
I can not believe it's been more than three months that I have not
asked this post.Sorry about that.Since the amount of work my days go all the
way quickly.But arrived one of the most beautiful season and it's spring.I hope
to be improved in the set-up of new stories and posts ...My start of the new
year could not be better to start.My long-awaited wish come true and that with
my 17 years.And this is the way to America.Although the addition has three
months.I want to you to division one winter-spring combination.The first days
time I was served the maximum fine.Because I could not enjoy putting on leather
jacket, jeans, hat, sunglasses and my outfit is finished.I love this weather.The
sun gives me positive energy and a lot inspire me.In fact wake me from those
cold days, when there is this desire for anything ....But back to my post.Since
I was a tourist beautiful city called Boston.And my wish was that as many check
on this city.I admit that this city is very delighted, as I whole America.Of
the people, the food, the beautiful street ....The first day I had a problem
with the time difference, but very quickly I fit.I felt at home, rather than a
guest in the city.So I had to harmonize with that combination.It is a long walk
from morning to night.In a very pleasant combination.How sometimes I wish that
my today's combination of being little and simple, there always add a hat.It is
like the icing on the cake.And you look look a little more glamorous.If you are
planning in the near future for a trip, do not forget to bring a very
comfortable clothing or footwear.I hope you liked this post.Enjoy your rest
days ... ..
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