This post will be very quick since I'm already late! I'll show you some of my favourites for this fall/winter, and there are some many things!
All of my favorourites will be sorted in two groups, fashion and favourites. Also, I'll show you some things that are on my wishlist!
Since, this is fashion blog I should probably start with fashion favourites.
Ovaj post nece biti previse dug s obzirom da vec kasnim. Pokazat cu vam neke od mojih favorita za oktobar i novembar. Imam mnogo toga da vam pokazem!
Svi favoriti biti ce podjeljeni u dvije kategorije: moda i sminka. Takodjer, vidjet cete i sta se to nalazi na mojoj wishlisti (mali dio,haha) !
Ovaj post nece biti previse dug s obzirom da vec kasnim. Pokazat cu vam neke od mojih favorita za oktobar i novembar. Imam mnogo toga da vam pokazem!
Svi favoriti biti ce podjeljeni u dvije kategorije: moda i sminka. Takodjer, vidjet cete i sta se to nalazi na mojoj wishlisti (mali dio,haha) !
1. Zara coat - I'm in love this colour, it brightens up every outfit!
2. Vintage vest - you were able to see this vest in my previous post. This model and colour are everything if you ask me. You can combine it with everything, it just deponds on your style, weather or mood. I love wearing it with sweaters, specially with the turtleneck ones! I also like wearing it with shirts.
Ovakvi kaputi su nesto sto naprosto obozavam. Camel boju je jako lako kombinirati, ali ipak ne nosim ju toliko cesto,ali to ce se uskoro promijeniti.. Sto se tice ovakvih kaputa nosim ih s dzemperima, kosuljama, rolkama..
3. Denim love!
4. Turtlenecks are must have for this season! Swaters, shirts, sleeveless shirts, everything!
Rolke su must-have ove sezone. Ostavila sam vam gore link nekih stranica gdje ih mozete pronaci :)

5. Pleated skirts
This one iz from Zara, I bought it about a month ago.
6. Zara boots
1. Essence - It's all about roses
2. Mac Angel
3. Nyx - matt finish setting spray
4. Nyx blush in silky rose
... and there is so much more on my wishlist!
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