Lady denim.

Hello Ladies!
Nadam se da kao i ja uzivate u jutarnjoj kafi, ili mozda sjedite negdje udobno smjesteni dok prelistavate virtuelno The Foam of Cancun.A kada je rijec o teksasu,to je moj favorit za uvijek.Poslije ovogodisnjeg Fashion Weeka teksasne suknje postale su pravi hit ovog ljeta. Materijal se trenutno koristi u velikoj mjeri, jer je odlican za modernizaciju i vracanje 70ih godina u nase garderobere.Top koji cini ovaj outfit jeste ova crvena boja. Ovog puta nosim cipele i torbu u istoj boji.Nekako sam uvijek gledati na to da su cipele I torba u istoj boji, ali u zadnje vrijeme mi se sviđa kada je toba u jednoj, a cipele u drugoj boji. 

Kako vam se cini?

Hello Ladies!
I hope you have a cup of coffee, just like me, and are sitting somewhere comfortably accommodated while scrolling through virtual The Foam of Cancun.And when it comes to Deim, it is my favorite forever.After this year's Fashion Week deim skirts are a hit this summer.The material is currently being used as much as it is great for the modernization and repayment of the 70 years in our closets.Top that makes this outfit is the color of the worms.This time wearing shoes and handbag in the same color.
Somehow, I always look at it that shoes and bag in the same color, but lately I like it when the bag in the second, and shoes in another color.

What do you think?

I was wearing:
Top: New Yorker

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